Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
6330 East Highway 290, STE 200 Austin, Texas 78723
We are located on the west bound access road of Hwy 290, two blocks east of IH35.
Main Number: (512) 936-7700
Executive Staff
Executive Director | Gregory Stevens | 512-936-7712 |
Executive Assistant | Melissa Moore | 512-936-7771 |
Credentialing / Field Services / Education Services
Director | Deputy Chief Cullen Grissom | 512-936-7773 |
Credentialing Supervisor | Lisa Landry | 512-936-7749 |
Roster Amendments | Credentialing Staff | amend.roster@tcole.texas.gov |
Appointment, certification, reinstatement of a licensee | Credentialing Staff | 512-936-7700, option 4, then 1 |
Supervisory Agent for Field Operations | Supervisory Agent Richard Gutierrez | 512-923-0916 |
Region 1 - Panhandle | Agent David Watkins | 512-939-9454 |
Region 2 - West Texas | Agent Shain Burks | 512-354-6047 |
Region 3 - South Texas | Lead Agent Derry Minor | 361-290-8517 |
Region 4 - South East Texas | Agent Pat Aitchison | 512-585-9204 |
Region 5 - Northeast Central Texas | Agent Henry Elkin | 512-663-5771 |
Region 6 - North East Texas | Agent Glen Stone | 512-937-7582 |
Region 7 - Northeast Mid-Central Texas | Agent Chris Cogan | 737-329-3130 |
Region 8 - Northwest Central Texas | Agent Lynn Beard | 325-998-4433 |
Region 9 - Central Texas | Agent Michael Dickey | 512-484-3846 |
Region 10 - South Central Texas | Agent Jim Clifton | 512-750-6370 |
Education Services Supervisor | Rachel Rinehart | 512-936-7743 |
Schedule an Exam at TCOLE's exam site | Proctor@tcole.texas.gov | 512-936-7700 |
Special Services / Information Technology
Chief Information Officer | Jessica Capraro | 512-936-7702 |
IT Help Desk Support - Online Services | TCLEDDS | MyTCOLE | Online Training | support@tcole.texas.gov | 512-936-7700, option 3, then 1 |
Captain, Special Services | Captain Gary Connella | 512-936-7774 |
New Agency Creation | Captain Gary Connella, Sergeant Jennie Jones | 512-936-7774 |
School Marshal Program Specialist | Katie Skrhak | 512-936-7373 |
Training Contract & Exam Site Renewals | Jennifer Castillo | 512-936-7778 |
Background Confirmation (BCF) & TCOLE Secure Share (TSS) Support | secureshare@tcole.texas.gov | 512-936-7700, option 3, then 2 |
Peer-to-Peer Network Specialist | Chris Varady | 512-936-7735 |
Enforcement Major | TJ Vineyard | 512-936-7754 |
Enforcement Captain | Captain Doug Skolaut | 512-936-7759 |
Enforcement Captain | Captain Marina Petkovsek | 512-936-7760 |
Enforcement Specialist | Darla Dixon | 512-936-7717 |
Enforcement Admin Assistant | Grace Talamantes | 512-936-7700, option 4, then 2 |
Enforcement Admin Assistant | Alyssa Tobola | 512-936-7700, option 4, then 2 |
Enforcement Admin Assistant | Courtney Rolondo | 512-936-7700, option 4, then 2 |
Criminal History Specialist | Felice Garcia | 512-936-7761 |
Investigator, Enforcement | Sergeant Mike Hobbs | 512-660-8162 |
Investigator, Enforcement | Sergeant Reynaldo Olvera | 512-922-5746 |
Investigator, Enforcement | Sergeant Dan Mireles | 512-936-8031 |
Investigator, Enforcement | Sergeant David New | 512-717-1138 |
Investigator, Enforcement | Sergeant Kevin Kelso | 512-608-5186 |
Investigator, Enforcement | Sergeant Joe Nichols | 512-608-5387 |
Investigator, Enforcement | Sergeant Robert "Bob" Miljenovich | 512-936-7326 |
Office of Government Relations
Director (Media Contact) | Gretchen Grigsby | 512-936-7715 |
Deceased Officer Flag Request/Line of Duty Deaths, PO Memorial | Ken Mobley | 512-636-6282 |
Open Records/PIA Request | Sarah Barksdale | 512-936-7763 |
Office of General Counsel
General Counsel | John Beauchamp | 512-936-7746 |
Legal Clerk | Iris Martinez | 512-936-7321 |
Misdemeanor Waiver Requests | Abbygail Sunley | 512-936-7720 |
F5 Appeal Cases | F5 Appeal Inbox | 512-936-7321 |
Financial and Staff Support
Chief Financial Officer, Purchasing, Employment with TCOLE | Brian Roth | 512-936-7725 |
If you have questions specifically about this web site or accessibility to this web site, please contact support.