This historical timeline includes legislative and procedural changes that have affected the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement over the years.
Timeline of Legislative and Procedural Changes
- 59th Legislature passed Article 4413 (29aa), V.C.S., creating the Commission. No money was appropriated for agency implementation.
- 60th Legislature appropriated money – Wallace D. Beasley appointed as Director, plus four employees.
- Glen H. Mclaughlin served as the first Chairman of the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education.
- Voluntary program of certification was implemented and three levels of peace officers were provided: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced.
- First peace officer certifications awarded by the Commission.
- 61st Legislature amended the original act to provide that all new peace officers appointed on or after 9/1/1970 must meet certain employment and certification standards established by the Commission.
- Legislation identified “peace officers” as those in Art. 2.12, CCP.
- Commission empowered to revoke a certification for violation of standards, and automatic revocation for commission of a felony offense.
- Peace officers required to be certified by the Commission prior to appointment.
- Grandfather exemption was given for those appointed and active on this date.
- A temporary certification allowed an agency to appoint a person and send them to training within a one-year period following the date of appointment.
- School certification established (academies).
- Basic Peace Officer Course (BPOC) created as 140 hours minimum with 1 year allowed for training.
- Field services division created.
- Minimum standards for employment set, including high school diploma or GED.
- Rule prohibited peace officer from being employed if convicted of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID) with 10 years or ever convicted of a felony.
- Authorization for reserve law enforcement officers. Requiring certification prior to appointment and one year to obtain training.
- Fred Toler appointed executive director.
- BPOC increased to 240 hours.
- Basic reserve course of 70 hours created.
- House Bill (HB) 1203 requires reporting of appointments and training.
- Disqualification for felony conviction established.
- Mental examinations required for licensure as a peace officer or reserve.
- Psychological examinations recommended for licensure as a peace officer or reserve.
- HB 451 establishes the LEOS training fund.
- Only six months allowed for peace officer training. Laws changed to allow the same six months for reserves.
- Began requiring supporting documents to accompany peace officer and reserve applications with each employment. Date of appointment was date received; no backdating of files.
- Became mandatory to submit supporting documents with application, with penalty for non-reporting.
- Certification of county jailers begun. Grandfather clause created for existing jailers. One-year temporary jailer license.
- Psychological statement required with applications.
- Senate Bill (SB) 544 establishes peace officer firearms proficiency.
- Rule prohibited peace officer and reserve officers from being appointed if convicted of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID) with 10 years or ever convicted of a felony.
- Basic County Corrections Course (BCCC) approved for 36 hours.
- BPOC increased to 320 hours.
- Required probationary period for peace officers and reserves changed back to one year.
- Licensing was begun – appointment standards same for peace officers, reserves, and county jailers.
- “L” series forms created. Use of L-1A without supporting documents was begun.
- Language added to 4413-29(aa) to allow Commission set rule for reactivation of peace officer license.
- SB 544 established weapons proficiency requirement for peace officers.
- Instructor certificates became permanent.
- Licenses printed and distribution by field representatives began.
- Licensing exams required for each license issued.
- SB 155 required all applicants for licensure to be of good moral character.
- Legislation became effective that provided for suspensions of licenses in addition to revocation.
- New legislation required 2 FBI fingerprint cards, CCH and L-3 Psychological Statement to be submitted with the L-1A if the individual has been out of law enforcement for a period of 180 days.
- Added to Art. 2.12, C.C.P. – water district personnel under 51.132, certain port authorities and state medical examiners.
- Termination of grandfather exemption. (See Note Below.)
- Note: During this period, beginning in October, all peace officer grandfathers were given a chance (notified by mail) to pass the state licensing exam in order to “get out from under the grandfather clause.” Those passing the exam were issued Basic Peace Officer certification. The last test date for grandfathering was 8/31/1984.
- SB 155 set continuing education training requirements for peace officers established. Agencies to provide a training program during a 24-month period, not to exceed 40 hours. Commission must approve courses.
- Rule prohibited applicants for peace officer, reserve law enforcement officer, jailer or guard of a county jail from being appointed
- if on probation for a criminal offense
- or if convicted of:
- Class A Misdemeanor within the last twelve months,
- Class B Misdemeanor within the last six months,
- DWI or DUID within the last two years, or a felony,
- not under indictment for a felony, and
- not ever confessed to a felony.
- U.S. citizenship required.
- F-6 forms discontinued. Class rosters keypunched and kept by Academy Evaluation section.
- Crime Prevention Inspector certificates added to Commission certifications.
- Grandfather licenses expired if the officers left their current agencies.
- Grandfather certificates no longer issued and grandfather officers no longer exempt from training requirements if newly employed after 9/1/1984.
- BCCC increased to 40 hours.
- Out-of-state officers and applicants with college degrees given three chances to pass the state licensing exams.
- Reserve officers with degrees required to test for compliance with training.
- Basic Peace Officer certificates and permanent licenses as well as Basic Reserve Certificates and permanent licenses will be issued if an L-1 is on file, training passed, and exam passed. (1 year of employment no longer required.) Jailer certificates and permanent licenses issued after 1 year of service.
- Certificates and licenses are issued on a weekly basis rather than monthly.
- Fingerprint cards classified by the FBI no longer have to be on file in order to issue the licenses and certificates.
- Constable appointed on or after 9/1/1985 has two years to become licensed.
- HB 1592 authorizes re-activation procedures.
- HB 1592 changes the licensing ages.
- BPOC increased to 400 hours.
- College degree in law enforcement is no longer sufficient to qualify to take licensing exam. Now 7 course courses are required, as well as Law Enforcement 1 and Law Enforcement 2.
- Three-level (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced) reserve training begins.
- Basic - 145 hours
- Intermediate - 131 hours
- Advanced - 124 hours
- Those who have been reserves and have been trained as such are “grandfathered” to Intermediate Reserve status.
- Reserves who complete the basic peace officer course and pass the peace officer licensing exam are issued Basic Peace Officer certificates and permanent peace officer licenses.
- Equating reserve training and in-service training to 240 hour basic peace officer course allows reserves to take peace officer licensing exam.
- L-3 Psychological form requires licensed psychologist or psychiatrist to sign approval. (Ref. Rule 211.98 for exception.) L-2 Physical form now includes Drug Dependency Statement.
- Reserves and jailers begin to be tested after completing basic reserve and basic county jailer courses.
- Reserve training now becomes creditable towards peace officer certification.
- All 9995 (basic peace officer), 9998 (basic reserve) and 9997 (basic county jailer) courses are converted to new numbering system of 1000, 1002, and 1005.
- Temporary licenses for peace officers and reserves are discontinued. County jailers still have one year to receive training and pass the state licensing exam.
- Provisional license rule is approved, allowing for the issuance of a provisional license under certain conditions such as manpower shortage.
- Peace officer and reserve officer minimum age exception rule approved and made effective. The rule thus requires an age of at least 21 unless the applicant has completed training or enrolled in basic training prior to 7/1/1986, has two years in the military and discharged, or has an Associate’s Degree or a total of 60 college semester hours. County jailer age requirements remain at 18 years.
- L-1, L-2, and L-3 forms are revised. L-2A Drug Dependency Statement is added to back of L-2, for use in reporting subsequent employment after already being licensed.
- Peace officers and reserves must be trained and licensed prior to appointment.